For starters, this song sounds like EARLY Sting solo work, from before he went from being the the world's smoothest interesting rocker to the world's most interesting smooth rocker. Perhaps you remember those crazy times, back when you thought, "Hmmm, Soul Cages is kind of lame, but c'mon, this is the lead singer of the Police we're talking about. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt." This song brings me back to those happier, less complicated times. When you could groove on a Sting song that was basically shitty, but you didn't know any better.
I was then going to go on and discuss how the lyrics make an intelligent and thought provoking point about the futility of fighting "belief". Which is pretty surprising form a guy who usually only opens his mouth to say stupid things. Then I was going to talk about how John Mayer really is a fantastic guitar player who has the chops to back up the all the intense guitar player faces he makes when he's soloing. But honestly, I think that's just icing on the cake. I basically like this song because It sounds like Sting.
Sting sucks.