When I heard White Rabbits, my first thought was that they were created by some government agency as a contingency plan in case something should happen to our nation’s strategic Spoon supply. After all, they sounded too much like Spoon- maybe even too much exactly like Spoon- to be the product of even the most shameless of ripoff artists. My second thought was that Spoon front man Britt Daniel was going to be pissed when he found out some bunch of schmoes was going around aping his band so recklessly. Then, I found out that Britt Daniel had actually produced them, so my third thought was that they must be some sort of vanity project, a celebration of the genius of Britt Daniel, by Britt Daniel. My fourth thought, which occurred several weeks later after accidentally re-listening to the band, was that they were 12% more laid back then Spoon, and something like 8% less jagged, guitar wise. It’s not much, but it’s just enough for me to appreciate them as their own band. My fifth thought was that I kind of liked what I was hearing. My sixth thought was that, you know what, I really liked it. My seventh and final thought on White Rabbits was that I was a total jackass and a snob, who should have remembered that just because a band sounds like someone else, even a lot like someone else, doesn’t mean they aren’t good.
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