With Bone Machine, Waits was in transition away from his Kurt Weill-ian oompa-band phase and starting to explore the kinds of truly evil noise he could coax out of distorted electric guitars and "found" percussion instruments. In front of a reverbed Joe Gore guitar line that sounds like a surf-rock instrumental gone Halloween, Waits growls out lyrics about an ex-con tough guy who harbors lots of unfortunate assumptions about the entertainment industry. Among them: the notion that success in the acting field derives mainly from having a lot of your own facial scars; that looking "good without a shoit" depends on the hairiness of one's chest; that having a ma who used to date a deceased b-list actor with a difficult reputation would lead to a foot in the door, etc.
This ugly dude, with a heart-shaped hole in the roof of his car, might be in for a rude awakening out west, but maybe he'll get lucky. He knows voodoo, you know. And with the line about "little brown sausages lying in the sand", is probably prepared to take a shit on cue. And that's just the kind of go-getter attitude they're looking for at the major studios.