But Slipknot aren’t just irritated. They’re two pounding drummers, a wall of de-tuned guitars and inobtrusive late-nineties record-scratching-irritated. And oddly enough, they’re also, as they admit in “People=shit”, “not afraid to cry.” I guess that’s what makes today’s angry metal heads different from the heavy-metal parking lot Judas-Priest-fan types of the 80’s. They’re in touch with the entire range of human emotion. Just a minute or so after confessing, at the top of his lungs, that he’s willing to let a solitary tear pour down his cheek, clouding his chamomile tea ever so slightly, Mr. Slipknot brags that he’s “sitting at the side of Satan” so “stop your bitchin’.” It’s enough to make me want to put my arm around singer Corey Taylor and say, “People don’t=shit. It’s not believing in yourself that=shit.”
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