Thursday, May 6, 2010

999,804: Mark Ronson featuring Daniel Merriweather- Stop Me

There are certain bands that have a certain stigma attached to them. Say, if you were to be a "big Grateful Dead" fan (known commonly as Deadheads), there's a more than likely chance you are into the "ultimate experience and transcendent nature of the ganja", or some such stoner baloney. Same goes for Phish and Dave Matthews Band. However, those are drug connotations. Other band associations can be attitude-based. I don't know a "They Might Be Giants" album-owner that isn't a total goofball. The Smiths are another band whose superfans fall into a specific emotional category: those who love to whimper. Don't get me wrong, I love The Smiths, but I don't think they're the end-all be-all. The kind of people who take Moz that seriously tend to be a sad lot. I mean, how could you not be a bit dreary hearing that mournful voice all the time? That's why it's so great hearing a Smiths jam taken out of the context of Morrissey.

With his powerhouse vocals, sexy British belter Daniel Merriweather and pop producer extraordinaire Mark Ronson (the man behind Amy Winehouse) take "Stop Me" and add some much needed testosterone. Take the opening lyric: "Stop me, oh oh oh Stop me, Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before...nothings changed, I still love you, oh I still love you, only slightly, only slightly less than I used to my love." Moz sang it like he's COMPLAINING that he's still in love with you and he's just so EMBARRASSED about it. Call the whambulance. Daniel Merriweather comes along and breathes a new meaning into the same lyrics. When Daniel sings the exact same line, he makes it seem like his love for you is something to be proud of. In fact, you bloody well TRY and stop him. He'd probably cut you. Add in that strong motown drum fill plus a booming horn section, and you've got yourself an empowering jam. Yeah, you may have messed up Daniel Merriweather emotionally, but that's not going to turn him into some sniveling cry baby. He may be dying on the inside, but he can MAN UP about his feelings to the world, regardless of his suffering. As the video accurately depicts, if we all went around sobbing, we wouldn't be able to move through the tears on the street because they would be flood-inducing.

I was going to include the video here, but embedding ain't allowed. Here's the youtube link:
song posted below.

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