Friday, September 6, 2013

999,869 - Starz - So Young, So Bad

Some music is for everyone. You'd be hard pressed to find a person who didn't enjoy Getting Blurred Lucky Lines this summer to some extent. Either in the car with friends or just cruising around, some songs just become part of the national experience.
Other songs are just for some. With the advent of Spotify, my trips to Ameoba Music are now just twofold: to find Italian Oldies and old Glam Rock compilations. This here Starz track came bouncing off my car's CD player last week like a case of me. However, the classic power chords and the seduction of a middle school girl might put this as the most cliche 70s song of all time, it's not to everyone's 2013 taste, regardless of the undeniable disco comeback as of late. Starz never made it into the Rock N' Roll cannon in their day, but were later sited to be an influence to hair metal legends like Poison and Nikki Sixx.
If this song were made in 2013, all the little vocal cracks and instrumental imperfections would be smoothed and ironed out. The record label probably would make the band change the lyrics to be less...sleazy. Maybe it would have been a bigger hit, but then it wouldn't have all the things that make it special!