As much as I am loathe to admit this, there are certain uncomfortable romantic truths. One of these truths is that most people go ape-shit-googly-eyes in love with CRAZY at least once in their life. The Crazy (could be male or female) will present themselves from the get-go as crazy. You are told UP FRONT that Crazy is damaged goods who will most certainly hurt you. Now, would you go into a store and buy a half-broken stereo or computer? No, but more than half my friends (and myself in my youth) have gotten themselves involved in such deadly affairs of the heart, fully aware of the awfulness to come! It doesn't matter what Crazy does because Crazy is a person, so they cannot be returned to Best Buy for cash back or even a credit. Crazy, unlike a computer, can smooth talk its way back into repeating a vicious circle of emotional destruction.
Magnetic Fields' "Absolutely Cuckoo" is the ultimate disclaimer: buyer (or rather lover) beware! Crazy has a really really really really good chance of destroying your life! The song is short and consists of just one run-on sentence. Repeated twice for good measure. However, the music sounds totally upbeat. Singer/songwriter Stephin Merritt seems to be suggesting "Oh hey, I'm letting you know I'm crazy, but I'm also distracting you with the soothing jingle-jangle of ukulele." Crazy is bleating that he's going to threaten you with suicide at some point, but it's hard to not be captivated by that swingin' orchestration and foot tappin' beat. Wait, what is he warning me about again?
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