The subject matter regards the quite common (or so i hear from the kids these days) practice of phone sex. The beats drops low and builds into a dangerous-sounding minor chord progression and starts: "We're not so different you and me/ Cause we both share our share of obscenities." Okay, so the lyrics aren't dazzling, but that machine synth drum fill sure is! Oh, readers, this next part might be too x-rated for you, but:
I like my bluetooth buttons comin loose,
I need my hands free,
Then I let my mind roam,
Playing with my ringtone
How exactly does one play with ones ringtone? By changing it? I usually change my ringtone once every three months, but some of my coworkers have taunted me with the same ringtone for over a year. Anyhow, the music for this jam is downright HAUNTING in the most Victorian gothic kind of way, but TRANCE, you know? If they hadn't written such time-specific lyrics, I think this song might have had a chance in making it into the modern pop canon.
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