I was at a Decemberists show at the old Irving Plaza number of years ago, and while on the a bathroom run I noticed a lone dude sitting off by himself in a dark corner of the venue scribbling in his notebook. The headliners were in full swing but this guy had some serious shit to write. I made note of the pompous douchebag and went on my way. On the way back from the bathroom I saw him again and realized that he was the guy from Nada Surf. "Oh, well that's alright then." I thought. He was still a pompous douche but this is a guy who makes pompous douchery work. Take the song Blonde on Blonde. Here we have our lone sensitive hipster wandering the rain-swept streets of New York with his headphones on, seemingly convinced by his own astounding taste in music that everyone around him is a pathetic drone who probably hasn't even HEARD of Bob Dylan, let alone listened to him while walking around the rain-swept streets of New York in a thick cocoon of righteous smugness. What a pompous douche. This is also one of my favorite songs.
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I like this song so much, it used to feature prominently on my myspace page. Bravo.