Every generation tells the one below them "you kids think you invented sex." But clearly, Adam and st(eve) already did that eons ago. People have always fallen in love, co-habitated, had kids, fallen out of love, die. Not necessarily in that order, but you get the picture. One of those universal feelings is the fear of rejection. And no one, and I mean no one wants to be rejected. So that means you have to safeguard yourself from being made vulnerable. People are so squirmy about getting caught in a crush, they make sure to state their platonic feelings loudly. Except that can backfire. When "the lady doth protest too much," usually means some serious mojo is bubbling underneath the surface.
Hailing from completely different eras, cheese kings 10cc and Enrique Iglesias both attempt to act the part of too cool for school. Clocking in at a leisurely 6.02 minutes, 1975's "I'm not in Love" could not have a mushier production, but the lyrics insists "it doesn't mean that much" and "don't make a fuss." But holy cow, this song feels like someone is spraying you with a thick cologne. They've actually done studies with this song; if you listen to it in a small enclosed room and the volume is above level 7, you may experience involuntary swooning.
Enrique's "Not in Love" may have some Spanish-y guitar strums, a drum machine, and a different melody, but it is essentially the same song. Some dude and featured vocalist Kelis are repeatedly emphasizing how much they couldn't give a shit about the person they (or in this case, their hardworking producers) spent many moons writing a song about with a synthed out voiced wail in the background.
The wailing background sound just really brings it home for both songs. When one feels like having a pity party, it's nice to imagine a choir of people caring about your festival of sad.