Dane Cook has never ceased to fascinate me. The frat boy of comedians, he hasn't exactly established himself in hipster circles OR bro-town square dances. He had a movie career that came and went after a few excruciating films. Releasing a song to promote a stand-up tour isn't out of the ordinary... until you listen to the song. "I'll Never Be you" goes for a big dramatic set up and you keep waiting for the joke to hit. and Waiting. It isn't clear where you are supposed to laugh. I *think* Dane's pretending to be an obsessive fan who turns angry ala Stan. Unlike Eminem's classic, this comedy jam takes itself way too seriously. If there are explicit jokes in this song, they are lost on me.
And yet. Ugh. This hurts to type. The pure music side of this track appeals to me. I enjoy the frivolous harmonies and lone bass. The crashing drums are downright fun! And even worse, I actually find Dane Cook's voice charming and (dare I say it?) kind of sexy. I have no idea what he is singing about, but when he says he'd like to "hang out at the coffee bean", I would probably drop everything to meet him there.
He moans at the end of the track "I hate you, but I really really wanna be you." Dane Cook knows you know he's pretty awful. But he's okay with that. He'll just make a faux-rock song about it and get a latte. Including anime fan-vid because it adds to the dorkiness of this song experience.
I'll Never Be You DBZ
Randy | Myspace Video
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